Electricity market

The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.

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High-voltage grid in Gelderland and Flevopolder reaches limit for electricity feed-in

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The high-voltage grid in the provinces of Gelderland and Flevopolder is reaching the limit of what can be returned to the grid. The high-voltage substations and connections in this area are reaching the maximum limit of what can be transported. Over the next few years TenneT will make various investments to increase the capacity of the grid. At the same time, the transmission system operator will investigate the possibilities of using other solutions to create more space on the grid in an accelerated manner. This is evident from the formal notification that was made today to the ACM, the regulator of the energy market.

The rapid growth of wind and solar farms in Gelderland and the Flevopolder together generate a large amount of sustainable energy, which demands increasing capacity from the high-voltage grid. Throughout the region, 4800 megawatts of sustainable generation have now been developed or are under preparation. This is comparable to the capacity of six large power plants. This development will lead to bottlenecks in the grid, especially at times when there is a lot of wind and sun and little consumption of electricity in the regions concerned. TenneT will structurally resolve these bottlenecks by means of reinforcements, including the installation of additional transformers and adjustments to the regional high-voltage grid. The expected expansion will take place in phases and is expected to last between three and seven years.

Long-term planning and cooperation are crucial to achieving climate targets

Robert Kuik, TenneT Manager of Grid Planning: "The development of sustainable energy production continues at an unabated pace. All these developments require adjustments to the high-voltage grid and creative solutions to create extra space on the grid. Long-term planning and cooperation between all parties are crucial in order to meet the climate targets, also because expansion and modification of the high-voltage infrastructure takes a long time and the available technical capacity is scarce.

€450 million grid investments

Over the next few years TenneT will continue to invest in the Flevopolder and Gelderland regions in order to increase the capacity of the grid. The grid manager will install additional transformers in Dodewaard, Doetinchem and Lelystad, among other places, in order to better distribute electricity across the grids. In the Flevoland Polder, work is in progress to connect three large new wind farms to the national grid. TenneT is expected to invest 450 million euros in the regions on the way to 2030.

Research into congestion management

When structural bottlenecks occur on the electricity grid, the grid manager also initiates a formal investigation into the possibilities of applying congestion management, based on laws and regulations. This is a method based on the electricity market to create more space on the grid and at the same time prevent overloading of the electricity network. 

 View the congestion announcement




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