Electricity market

The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.

Explore the electricity market

Transparency data

We provide transparency data on our operations on our Dutch and German transparency page and on ENTSO-E. 

To transparency pages

Our vision is to be one of the most transparent Transmission System Operators (TSO) in Europe and thereby creating value for society. In this Energy Insights section we present selected energy related topics and show data, information and valuable insights. 



Facts & figures related to TenneT facilitating the market can be found here.

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Costs of a grid connection

Costs are obviously payable for a new grid connection. ACM issues guidelines for our pricing in the Electricity Tariff Code.

Costs for installing a new connection

TenneT charges:

  • the connection tariff (or initial investment costs). These costs vary, because every connection has to be customised. By way of indication, here is an approximate overview of the costs (2018 price levels) of bays in an outdoor configuration, for the most frequently occurring connections:
    - 110 kV and 150 kV: approx. €1.5 million
    - 220 kV and 380 kV: approx. €3 million

Once the connection is ready

You pay TenneT each month:

  • the periodical connection charge. This is an annual fee for managing and replacing the connection;
  • the transmission tariff, which covers TenneT’s transmission of electricity. These costs consist of a fixed amount for costs unrelated to transmission (e.g. for invoicing, administrative work and similar) and a variable amount for transmission-related costs, charged as an amount per kilowatt. ACM sets the tariffs from year to year on the recommendation of TenneT. The transmission tariffs of TenneT are downloadable from the ACM (Dutch only) website.

If you wish to stop using your connection

TenneT will charge:

  • a non-recurring contribution towards removing the connection. Again, these costs vary according to the type of connection. TenneT will charge you these costs in the event of the breaking or expiring of your connection and transmission agreement.

ACM guidelines

The ACM issues guidelines for our pricing in the Electricity Tariff Code (Dutch only).


Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid (1 MB, pdf, 21/06/19)

Connecting to the Dutch high-voltage grid Download Download
Request form 'Customer connection' (116 KB, pdf, 05/03/21)

Request form 'Customer connection' Download Download


Customer contact

Customer Care Center: For customers of TenneT Netherlands only.