Electricity market

The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.

Explore the electricity market

Transparency data

We provide transparency data on our operations on our Dutch and German transparency page and on ENTSO-E. 

To transparency pages

Our vision is to be one of the most transparent Transmission System Operators (TSO) in Europe and thereby creating value for society. In this Energy Insights section we present selected energy related topics and show data, information and valuable insights. 



Facts & figures related to TenneT facilitating the market can be found here.

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PKI certificates

TenneT offers two systems for automated message exchange: the Central Postbus System and Tennet Web Services. Digital exchange of information via these systems is secured by so-called PKI certificates (public key infrastructure).

Regular process

Safe data

Digital exchange of information between TenneT and parties on the electricity market via the Central Postbus System or via TenneT Web Services is secured by so-called PKI certificates (public key infrastructure). These certificates ensure that the identity of the users of online networks is checked and that the data is secure.

Market parties that are recognised by TenneT are obliged to use the PKI certificates for online communication. The certificates for use on the Central Postbus System are supplied by Quovadis, while market parties can use their own Certificate Provider for TenneT Web Services.

More information about PKI and its use in automated message exchange can be found on MyTenneT. If you wish to apply for a certificate for use on the Central Postbus System, please contact our Customer Care Centre via tennetccc(at)tennet.eu. For technical details and public keys relating to certificates on the Central Postbus System, please visit QuoVadis.

If you have any questions for Quovadis, you can contact them directly at +31 (0)30 - 232 43 20 or info.nl(at)quovadisglobal.com.



Our customers

Our customers include everyone connected to the high voltage electricity grid as well as the parties responsible for metering and programme responsible parties.

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Customer Relations Managers

Our Customer Relations Managers represent TenneT and act as a single point of contact for customers.

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