The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.
Tender of balancing power
As one of the largest private electricity network operators in Europe, TenneT has been carrying out a public tender to procure balancing power since the 1st of August 2001.
Transmission grid operators require balancing power in order to ensure a balance between the generation and consumption of electrical energy at any given time. Since 01/12/2006, TenneT has been procuring tertiary control power as well as primary and secondary balancing power since 01/12/2007 in line with establishment of the BNetzA via the common Internet platform of the German transmission grid operators
Potential providers of different types of balancing power may apply to TenneT as part of a pre-qualification to provide balancing power. Checks are then carried out to determine whether the required technical requirements have been met for providing these services. The documents needed to participate in pre-qualification may be accessed on this page. You can also obtain further information on the joint Internet platform at
The balancing power put out to tender has been physically used since the 1st of December 2001. You can find information on the settlement of accounting grids here.
ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity sets several standards for the determination of necessary volumes for balancing power in the European integrated network, however, the systems implemented in the various countries differ significantly, e.g. in pricing schemes for Control Energy and Imbalances. Against this background TenneT TSO GmbH and TenneT TSO B.V. have undertaken a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the balancing power systems implemented in Germany and The Netherlands with regard to their technical robustness, macro-economic efficiency and incentives to market parties. The outcome of this analysis as well as resulting recommendations are shown in the study „Imbalance Management TenneT - Analysis report“. You may find the link to the study in the download area.
More about balancing power
Current tenders
for primary controlled output, secondary controlled output, tertiary control can be found at the common platform of the four German TSOs
Go to www.regelleistung.netPrequalification
Learn more about the requirements for providing different types of balancing power
Go to prequalification page