The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.
Requirements for providing different types of balancing power
By fulfilling the pre-qualification procedure, potential providers prove that they meet the requirements for providing different types of balancing power for guaranteeing supply reliability. In addition to technical competence, the proper provision of balancing power must be guaranteed under operational conditions. For this purpose, providers must give particulars in the pre-qualification documents that can be accessed on this page and send them to TenneT. TenneT reserves the right to obtain other evidence from the providers. You may obtain further information on the joint Internet platform
Prequalification documents for the provision of primary controlled output for the transmission system operator (status: August 2003)

Prequalification documents for the provision of secondary controlled output for the transmission system operator (status: August 2003)

Prequalification documents for the provision of primary minute reserve output (status: 24.08.2007)

of the distribution network operator