Electricity market

The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.

Explore the electricity market

Transparency data

We provide transparency data on our operations on our Dutch and German transparency page and on ENTSO-E. 

To transparency pages

Balancing power

The transmission grid operators require balancing power as a prerequisite for maintaining the balance between generation and consumption.

The requirement for the three types of balancing power, i.e. primary balancing power, secondary balancing power, as well as tertiary control reserve power is procured in accordance with ยง 22 EnWG in an open, transparent RFP process that is free of discrimination using a common Internet platform (www.regelleistung.net)

There, you will find all information and data publications in connection with the joint procurement and commissioning of balancing power.Additional information and contact persons from TenneT TSO GmbH can be found under Tendering for Balancing Power. Information on the actually accessed balancing power can be found in the following.

Primary balancing power

In the event of a power imbalance within the entire UCTE network system, the primary balancing power is enabled automatically according to standardised criteria. Consequently, there is no information on the primary balancing power actually accessed by TenneT TSO GmbH.

Secondary balancing power

The secondary balancing power for a control area is requested by automatic access by the transmission grid operator that is affected. The amount of secondary balancing power accessed by TenneT TSO GmbH is shown under the actually accessed secondary balancing power.

Tertiary control reserve

The tertiary control reserve is requested by telephone and based on a timetable by the affected transmission grid operator. The amount of tertiary control reserve accessed by TenneT TSO GmbH is shown under the actually accessed tertiary control.

More information

Actually accessed secondary balancing power until 2010/12/31

Actually accessed secondary balancing power since 2011/01/01

Actually accessed tertiary control reserve until 2010/12/31

Actually accessed tertiary control reserve from 2011/01/01

Tender of balancing power
