Electricity market

The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.

Explore the electricity market

Transparency data

We provide transparency data on our operations on our Dutch and German transparency page and on ENTSO-E. 

To transparency pages

Our vision is to be one of the most transparent Transmission System Operators (TSO) in Europe and thereby creating value for society. In this Energy Insights section we present selected energy related topics and show data, information and valuable insights. 



Facts & figures related to TenneT facilitating the market can be found here.

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Network situations as per §13.1

Congestion management is implemented to avoid or rectify network congestion. If a network situation occurs where uninterrupted supply is threatened or affected, the network provider is entitled and obligated to rectify the threat or problem via network- or market-related measures (§13.1 of the German Energy Industry Act). Redispatch and Countertrading are two such market-related measures.

Latest information on measures as per §13.1

As per German BNetzA's decision (BK6-11-098) of October 30, 2012 on „Standardization of contract frameworks for TSO-driven interventions into power plant operation“ TSOs are bound to publish all feed-in adjustments an a joint website. TenneT publishes all its redispatch mwasures together with fellow TSOs on the joint platform netztransparenz.de.  TenneT publishes also an archive of the measures until December 2014 (at the bottom of this page). The assessment of marketrelevant effects will be incumbent on the user of the data.

Archive until December 2014

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No data available for the selected timeframe