Electricity market

The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.

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Transparency data

We provide transparency data on our operations on our Dutch and German transparency page and on ENTSO-E. 

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Balance energy quantities utilized

If the actual EEG* feed in corresponded with the last forecast of a certain date of performance, the balance energy used would match the difference between electricity to be sold according to this aforementioned forecast and the actual traded quantities on the day ahead and intraday spot market.

In fact the actual feed in from EEG plants differs from the recent forecast. Thus the generated differences have to be balanced through utilization of balance energy.

The balance energy quantities are listed below per quarter hour.

Maximum value:
Minimum value:
No data available for the selected timeframe