Electricity market

The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.

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Transparency data

We provide transparency data on our operations on our Dutch and German transparency page and on ENTSO-E. 

To transparency pages

Our vision is to be one of the most transparent Transmission System Operators (TSO) in Europe and thereby creating value for society. In this Energy Insights section we present selected energy related topics and show data, information and valuable insights. 



Facts & figures related to TenneT facilitating the market can be found here.

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Settlement date 
Preliminary accounting (only quantities, no financial accounting):

State of data: 15th working day after delivery month 
Transmission to BKV: 18th working day after delivery month

State of data: 4th month after delivery month
Transmission to BKV: 8th working day of 5th month after delivery month

First balancing group statement:

Data stop: 29th working day after delivery month
Preparation of balancing group statement: 42nd working day after delivery month

Second balancing group statement:

Data stop: End of 7th month after delivery-/accounting month 
Preparation of balancing group statement: End of 8th month after delivery month

Master data exchange

Metering point for accounting totals:

  • Zur Zählpunktbildung: Ziffer 4.2.3. MaBiS: "...Die Zählpunktbezeichnungen sind gemäß dem BDEW-Dokument "MeteringCode 2006" (Ausgabe Mai 2008) zu bilden; derzeit noch nicht MeteringCode-konforme Zählpunktbezeichnungen sind, sofern erforderlich, entsprechend anzupassen..." ...Falls ausnahmsweise eine virtuelle Zählpunktbezeichnung nicht vom Netzbetreiber, sondern von einem anderen Marktpartner (z.B. Lieferant) festgelegt wird, kann eine alternative Bildungslogik angewendet werden."
  • This looks like this:

The following types of time series can be activated by balancing group managers (BKVs) within the framework of the master data activation:

Scope of activation: 

For each balancing group, at least the following billing time series are always activated by the associated BKV:

  • BAS = balancing group deviation net total (a metering point with two OBIS identifiers for identifying the debit balance and underfunding of the balancing group)
  • FPI = schedule feed-in summary (import into the balancing group)
  • FPE = schedule feed-out summary (export from the balancing group)
  • In existing sub-balancing group agreements through two BKVs, the BKV of the accounting balancing group also receives the BAS of the associated sub-balancing group.

The following accounting sums are only activated as needed:

  • DZR = delta time series
  • SRE = transmission time series for secondary balancing power (export from the provider balancing group to the TSO balancing group)
  • SRI = transmission time series for secondary balancing power (import into the provider balancing group from the TSO balancing group) 

Metering points for balancing group totals

Scope of activation: this transmits the metering points for the DSO’s balancing group totals successfully activated with the BIKO. The activating DSO is responsible for the accuracy. Errors in the balancing group allocation must therefore be clarified bilaterally between the DSO and BKV.

Transaction data exchange

Scope of delivery: on the one hand, the time series for the DSO balancing group totals successfully processed by the BIKO are transmitted. The sending DSO is responsible for accuracy. Errors must therefore be clarified bilaterally between the DSO and BKV. On the other hand, the BIKO transmits the corresponding accounting sums on the billing deadline dates.


You can find detailed explanations on the transaction data process in the presentation
Presentation (978 KB, pdf, 17/11/16)

MaBiS Processes (german)

Presentation Download Download