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News News Congestie Dutch Market

TenneT congestion studies update

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TenneT expects the ongoing congestion management studies to be completed as of September. The various studies are in full swing and extensive market consultations are currently taking place. The current studies take into account the latest insights from the new Grid Code, which was published by the ACM last week.


Last year TenneT announced congestion studies for Brabant-Limburg, Friesland and Flevoland-Gelderland-Utrecht. The rapid growth of sustainable production in particular has created bottlenecks in various regions. The grid manager will then start a study into the possibilities of applying congestion management. With congestion management, in which flexibility plays an important role, the existing grid can be better utilized and space is created for new initiatives. The application of congestion management is a temporary measure on the way to structural grid reinforcements.

Studies in progress

The studies are in progress. They include an assessment of the suitability of the network for application of the system. An extensive market survey is also being carried out in the various areas, looking at parties who can offer flexible power. Part of the market exploration is the recently published consultations. The latest insights from the new Grid Code, which was published by the ACM last week, are also included in the current studies. This new code provides more room for the application of congestion management. Grid managers have six months to implement this.

TenneT expects these ongoing studies to be completed as of September. 

For more information visit tennet.eu/congestieonderzoeken

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