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Activation "Balance delta 2017" version on the TenneT website

The new version "Balance delta 2017" webpage with balance delta information has recently been activated on the TenneT website.

The update was necessary with the introduction of incident reserve for situations with large power surpluses. This reserve can be activated becomes available from 1 January 2017. The column header "Emerg." Has been changed to "Incident" while these reserves will generally be activated under normal operating conditions. The column "Incident" now shows two sub-columns just like the other presented products: "Up" with the activation status of incident reserve for situations with large power shortages and "Down" with the activation status in case of large power surpluses. The explanation and data download/export functionality on the website are adjusted accordingly.

For test activities the Down-status of incident reserve may be set to "1" for some minutes in the period until January 2017 but in this period it is not related to the operational situation.

The existing webpage "Balance delta with IGCC" is not updated so the column "Emerg." only presents the activation status of incident reserve in the upward direction.

In case of questions or remarks about this information we kindly ask you to contact the TenneT Customer Care Center: tennetccc(at)tennet.eu.

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