The energy sector is developing rapidly. The process of European market integration began some years ago. Its purpose is to create a single European market that enables market parties to trade gas and electricity across national borders easily and efficiently.
Market processes for generating market location (electricity)
MPES serves the assignment of a generating plant (from 01.10.2017 on: generating market location) to the receiving supplier (EEG term: direct marketing entrepreneurs) and to balancing groups, as well as the retransmission required for the EEG-marketing data to the respective transmission system operator.
This is based on § 4 para. 3 StromNZV and the EEG, in which the basic conditions are prescribed. The market processes for generating plants regulate the exchange of master and transactional data between suppliers and grid operators and are applicable for all types of generating plants that - entirely or partially – are going to change their supplier.
Since 01.10.2013 the execution of the processes has been running in electronic form via EDIFACT format. Due to EEG amendments in 2014 and 2017, the underlying conditions changed significantly, which is why an adaptation of the processes was required. By Decision BK6-16-200 the BNetzA has taken account of this need for adjustment. According to the BNetzA determination the processes for all market participants in the German energy market are legally required to be handled in electronic form (EDIFACT) according to the standards of MPES 2.1 with effect from 01.10.2017. Deviating from this the following processes are still handled via a standardized Excel form as an exception to the electronic data format. The form has already been revised as part of the abovementioned BNetzA procedure and applies since 01.01.2017 for all EEG and KWKG plants*:
- Change in or out of the feed-in compensation of § 38 EEG 2014 as well as in or out of the deficiency compensation of § 21 para. 1 number 2 EEG 2017;
- Reassignment of § 38 EEG 2014 in § 37 EEG 2014;
- Initial allocation of new plants** in the subsidized or other direct marketing. Please note that the handling of the processes was changed as from 01.01.2017. The exact description can be found in the enclosure 4 of the process description MPES 2.1, chapter 3 “general conditions”, number 12 to the BK6-16-200;
- demapping an EEG plant** to the feed-in compensation according to § 37 EEG 2014 as well as to § 21 para. 1 number 1 EEG 2017;
- demapping an KWKG plant** to the feed-in compensation according to § 4 Abs. 1, 3 KWKG 2012 as well as to § 4 para. 2 KWKG 2016;
*) The sender must not act as a supplier in terms of MPES 2.1, this means the form must only be completed by a plant operator or third parties. The role supplier may only communicate with other market partners in the EDIFACT format.
**) With the determinations of the BNetzA from 20.12.2016 on the digitalization of the energy transformation, interim model the term “generating market location” instead of “generating plant” is implemented in the MPES description as of 01.10.2017. The implementation of the term is based on the BDEW application help “Role model for market processes in the German energy market “(DEU: "Rollenmodell für die Marktkommunikation im deutschen Energiemarkt").
Application Help and Hints for the process flow using the Excel form
- Download the standardized form in our download area on the bottom (corresponds to Annex 4 of the BNetzA decision BK6-16-200)
- the completed form must be sent by e-mail with the subject "Einspeisemeldung” to the email address vnb-mako(at)
- the deadlines for the application comply with the requirements of the EEG 2017 and the MPES 2.1
- the processing time by TenneT as a grid operator is max. 3 workdays after receipt of the e-mail
- TenneT transmits the response to the sent message, and sends it in the same way, in other words email back to the message sender.
The description of the procedure is applicable to all TenneT companies in the role grid operator.